Listed below are some of the many things I can help you with, as part of a package or separately:
Addictions (Smoking, Drugs, Social Media etc)
Eating Disorders (Weight Management, Obesity, Anorexia, Bulimia etc)
Self-Esteem (Lack Of Self Love, Lack Of Self Belief etc)
Confidence (Social Confidence, Friendships, Attracting New Partners etc)
Anxiety (Panic Attacks, Worrying About The Future, Social Anxiety etc)
Depression (Sadness, Pain From Past Events, Experiences, Feeling Stuck etc)
Traumas (Abuse, Bullying etc)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (Harm, Checking, etc)
Sleep Disorders (Insomnia, Night Terrors, Recurring Dreams etc)
Phobias (Agoraphobia, Spiders, Heights, Blood, Water etc)
Fears (Flying, Travelling, Death, Exam Fears, Dentist, Surgery etc)
Pain Management (Chronic, Hypno Healing, Surgery etc)
Relationship Counselling (Siblings, Partnerships, Work Colleagues, Parent/Child etc)
Sports Performance
Public Speaking (Wedding, Work Meetings etc)
Child Counselling And Hypnotherapy
Personal Goals
Creating A Better Life
There are many things not listed here and getting in touch is the first step.
Call me on 07584992718